Contact us

01923 572027

Looking for a recruiter in Hertfordshire?

We have over 25 years experience of recruiting IT, Marketing & Finance professionals in Hertfordshire.
Call us on 01923 572027 or click one of the links below.

Recruitment Agency in Hertfordshire

Why CV Screen?

Recruiting in Hertfordshire

CV Screen has been recruiting for businesses like yours since January 2000 and has recruited for hundreds of organisations in Hertfordshire over that time.

All candidates are fully interviewed against your role, and we will only provide you with a shortlist of relevant candidates who match your brief and who are looking for work in the Hertfordshire area.

Why not call us on 01923 572027 to discuss your requirements in more detail.

Specialist Divisions

Our team of experienced recruiters cover the following sectors.

Information Technology

Finance & Accountancy


Placement Fees of 15%

Our placement fees for permanent recruitment are 15% of the basic salary.

We also offer a rebate covering the first 100 days of the candidates’ employment to provide you with additional peace of mind when hiring.

Finally, as part of our Charitable ethos, we donate £50 to a Charity of your choice each time we successfully place a candidate with you. Last year, we donated over £10,000 to some fantastic Charities.

We pride ourselves on our honest, ethical, and professional approach to recruitment and the majority of our business is from repeat customers who value our service.


Local candidates in Hertfordshire

With the advent of home working changing the landscape, more and more businesses are seeking candidates who can attend the offices for at least one or two days per week.

We also see many organisations and candidates in Hertfordshire looking for a purely office-based role whereby they can readily attend the office and collaborate with colleagues more frequently.

Our expertise lies in our ability to source candidates within 45 minutes of your office in Hertfordshire, using our expertise to search for candidates in the locality.

So whether you’re looking for a candidate to be office based, hybrid or remote, we can assist you in finding talent in the local area.

Further Questions?

If you have any questions please get in touch with us on 01923 572 027.

we’d be delighted to answer any questions you have regarding our recruitment service.

Recruitment Agencies Hertfordshire

CV Screen recruits throughout Hertfordshire, with clients in towns such as Watford, Hemel Hempstead, St Albans and Stevenage. As one of the leading recruitment agencies in Hertfordshire, we would love to assist when you’re next hiring in the local area. Call us on 01923 572027 or email us at [email protected] with any questions.

Latest Jobs

For all our latest jobs.

CV Screen is a full service Recruitment Agency which has been placing candidates since January 2000.